Commenced in 1992 under the auspices of the Professional Historians Association of New South Wales and, from 1999, the Australian Centre for Public History, Public History Review is now in its 32nd and, I must report with some regret, final year of publication. Paper-based until 2005, and digitally published by UTS ePress at the University of Technology Sydney from the following year, PHR has published over 300 articles as well as many more reviews and reports from the field. As per its original mission, the journal has published the work of historians and other professionals at various career stages – from the eminent to the emerging. This was always a key part of its mission. And it was the reason that the journal received a cultural grant from the New South Wales Ministry for the Arts during most of the 1990s.
The journal, with its tiny resource base, closes with an impressive digital record. It has 2,814 readers in over 50 countries; 366 registered reviewers; averages around 2,500 abstract views per month (12,000 in February 2018 given a strong interest in articles on public history in India and South Africa); and its most viewed/downloaded article – Meg Foster’s ‘Online and Plugged in?: Public History and Historians in the Digital Age’ – has had 6,405 abstract views, 7,236 file views and 2,927 pdf and 4,309 html downloads, all of which continue to rise week-by-week.
《Public History Review》該刊近一年未被列入預警期刊名單,目前已被權威數據庫SCIE收錄,得到了廣泛的認可。
按JIF指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:HISTORY | ESCI | Q1 | 84 / 518 |
83.9% |
按JCI指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:HISTORY | ESCI | Q1 | 105 / 519 |
79.87% |
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