國際簡稱:INFECT GENET EVOL 參考譯名:感染遺傳學和進化
(aka Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases -- MEEGID)
Infectious diseases constitute one of the main challenges to medical science in the coming century. The impressive development of molecular megatechnologies and of bioinformatics have greatly increased our knowledge of the evolution, transmission and pathogenicity of infectious diseases. Research has shown that host susceptibility to many infectious diseases has a genetic basis. Furthermore, much is now known on the molecular epidemiology, evolution and virulence of pathogenic agents, as well as their resistance to drugs, vaccines, and antibiotics. Equally, research on the genetics of disease vectors has greatly improved our understanding of their systematics, has increased our capacity to identify target populations for control or intervention, and has provided detailed information on the mechanisms of insecticide resistance.
However, the genetics and evolutionary biology of hosts, pathogens and vectors have tended to develop as three separate fields of research. This artificial compartmentalisation is of concern due to our growing appreciation of the strong co-evolutionary interactions among hosts, pathogens and vectors.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution and its companion congress [MEEGID](http://www.meegidconference.com/) (for Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases) are the main forum acting for the cross-fertilization between evolutionary science and biomedical research on infectious diseases.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution is the only journal that welcomes articles dealing with the genetics and evolutionary biology of hosts, pathogens and vectors, and coevolution processes among them in relation to infection and disease manifestation. All infectious models enter the scope of the journal, including pathogens of humans, animals and plants, either parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses or prions. The journal welcomes articles dealing with genetics, population genetics, genomics, postgenomics, gene expression, evolutionary biology, population dynamics, mathematical modeling and bioinformatics. We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .
《Infection Genetics And Evolution》自2001出版以來,是一本醫學優秀雜志。致力于發表原創科學研究結果,并為醫學各個領域的原創研究提供一個展示平臺,以促進醫學領域的的進步。該刊鼓勵先進的、清晰的闡述,從廣泛的視角提供當前感興趣的研究主題的新見解,或審查多年來某個重要領域的所有重要發展。該期刊特色在于及時報道醫學領域的最新進展和新發現新突破等。該刊近一年未被列入預警期刊名單,目前已被權威數據庫SCIE收錄,得到了廣泛的認可。
學科類別 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
大類:Agricultural and Biological Sciences 小類:Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics | Q1 | 55 / 721 |
92% |
大類:Agricultural and Biological Sciences 小類:Infectious Diseases | Q1 | 63 / 344 |
81% |
大類:Agricultural and Biological Sciences 小類:Genetics | Q1 | 67 / 347 |
80% |
大類:Agricultural and Biological Sciences 小類:Microbiology (medical) | Q1 | 33 / 140 |
76% |
大類:Agricultural and Biological Sciences 小類:Microbiology | Q1 | 43 / 182 |
76% |
大類:Agricultural and Biological Sciences 小類:Molecular Biology | Q2 | 111 / 410 |
73% |
CiteScore 是由Elsevier(愛思唯爾)推出的另一種評價期刊影響力的文獻計量指標。反映出一家期刊近期發表論文的年篇均引用次數。CiteScore以Scopus數據庫中收集的引文為基礎,針對的是前四年發表的論文的引文。CiteScore的意義在于,它可以為學術界提供一種新的、更全面、更客觀地評價期刊影響力的方法,而不僅僅是通過影響因子(IF)這一單一指標來評價。
大類學科 | 分區 | 小類學科 | 分區 |
醫學 | 4區 | INFECTIOUS DISEASES 傳染病學 | 4區 |
中科院分區表 是以客觀數據為基礎,運用科學計量學方法對國際、國內學術期刊依據影響力進行等級劃分的期刊評價標準。它為我國科研、教育機構的管理人員、科研工作者提供了一份評價國際學術期刊影響力的參考數據,得到了全國各地高校、科研機構的廣泛認可。
中科院分區表 將所有期刊按照一定指標劃分為1區、2區、3區、4區四個層次,類似于“優、良、及格”等。最開始,這個分區只是為了方便圖書管理及圖書情報領域的研究和期刊評估。之后中科院分區逐步發展成為了一種評價學術期刊質量的重要工具。
按JIF指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:INFECTIOUS DISEASES | SCIE | Q3 | 69 / 132 |
48.1% |
按JCI指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:INFECTIOUS DISEASES | SCIE | Q2 | 61 / 132 |
54.17% |
Author: Peixu Zhang, Weiguanliu Zhang, Yue Lang, Yan Qu, Jiafeng Chen, Li Cui
Journal: INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2019, Vol.68, 253-264, DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2019.01.003
Author: Long Zhang, Dongmei Chen, Lintian Yu, Yi Wei, Juan Li, Caiquan Zhou
Journal: INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2019, Vol.68, 265-272, DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2019.01.001
Author: Wenhua Huang, Mingliu Wang, Huaijie Hao, Ruifu Yang, Jijie Xie, Jinhong Su, Mei Lin, Yujun Cui, Yongqiang Jiang
Journal: INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2018, Vol.68, 249-252, DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2018.12.023
Author: Chaonan Xing, Zongji Lu, Jianfeng Jiang, Liangzong Huang, Jialun Xu, Desheng He, Zelin Wei, Haijie Huang, Hongren Zhang, Cangyao Murong, Changchun Tu, Wenjie Gong
Journal: INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2018, Vol.68, 212-217, DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2018.12.029
Author: Yingying Kong, Tingting Yang, Ting Yang, Zhi Ruan, Tiejun Song, Honghui Ding, Xinyou Xie, Jun Zhang
Journal: INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2018, Vol.68, 172-176, DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2018.12.025
Author: Qiang He, Charles R. Vossbrinck, Qiong Yang, Xian-Zhi Meng, Jian Luo, Guo-Qing Pan, Ze-Yang Zhou, Tian Li
Journal: INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2018, Vol.68, 136-144, DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2018.12.022
Author: Nanhua Chen, Yucheng Huang, Mengxue Ye, Shuai Li, Yanzhao Xiao, Bailei Cui, Jianzhong Zhu
Journal: INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2018, Vol.68, 127-135, DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2018.12.011
Author: Mingming Zhou, Xiangju Wu, Dandan Jiang, Chao Sui, Lei Chen, Xiaoyan Cong, Xu Xin, Guisheng Wang, Yujie Li, Fulin Tian, Zhi Chen, Hongliang Zhang, Jing Qi, Zhao Wang, Jiaqiang Wu, Hu Shan, Yijun Du
Journal: INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2018, Vol.68, 161-171, DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2018.12.016
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